Power Point Template Designs

Designs for your next Presentation

ExpertSlides, the worlds only All-in-one PowerPoint Add-in provides creative template designs.


TrustScore 4.7 | 5


Rating: 4.9 | 5


Rating: 4.5 | 5


Rating: 4.9 | 5

PowerPoint Add-In

  • 7.2+ million assets (templates, images & icons)
  • The worlds only all-in-one PowerPoint extension
  • User-friendly point & click and drag & drop


  • Build presentations in record time
  • Match your style with a few clicks
  • Find the perfect template instantly
  • Tap into AI for stunning slide layouts
  • Presentations that leave an impression

All-in-One Template Designs

Thousands of PPTX Slides

Dive into our vast library of pre-made PowerPoint slides.

7.2 Mio. Full HD Stockimages

Access our collection of 7.2 million Full HD stock images.

600k Sharp SVG Icons & GIFs

With more than 600,000 SVG icons and GIFs available for you to use.

PowerPoint AI-Assistant

Leverage the power of AI to generate professional slides in seconds.

Fast Servers

Our fast servers guarantee smooth and efficient operation.

Your own Cloud Storage

Manage your presentation materials with our dedicated cloud storage.

ExpertSlides Pricing


$19 / mo


$579 / one time

One-Click Corporate Design

ExpertSlides, a PowerPoint add-in, makes it easy to create slides. Changing colors, rearranging elements and choosing favorite designs is just a click away. With ExpertSlides, you can focus on what’s really important – your ideas – instead of investing hours in formatting tasks.

7.2+ Million Images Available

ExpertSlides provides convenient access to over 3.2 million high-resolution stock images, enabling you to effortlessly discover visuals for your slides. Additionally, you can refine your search by keyword to pinpoint specific types of images. The best part? This feature is entirely free to use as long as you have PowerPoint installed on your computer.

600k Icons & Gifs

It simplifies slide creation within PowerPoint. Easily adjust colors, rearrange elements, and access favorite layouts with a single click. With ExpertSlides, focus on your ideas instead of spending hours on formatting.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1

Step 1

Download ExpertSlides here and open PowerPoint.

Step 2

Step 2

Log in with your ExpertSlides data directly in PowerPoint.

Step 3

Step 3

Have fun using ExpertSlides and creating incredible slides!

Discover our Templates

Template designs

our testimonials

Featured Client Stories


“Perfect for young start-ups and agencies. I support numerous young companies as a mentor and investor and warmly recommend ExpertSlides to everyone.”

    Bernd Hess
    Bernd Hess

    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


    “The tool is incredibly user-friendly, saving me countless hours that I would have otherwise spent sourcing images. If you’re looking to create professional, I can’t recommend ExpertSlides enough.”

      Justus Formann
      Justus Formann

      Gelnhausen Smile


      “It has significantly reduced the time I spend on creating presentations. I highly recommend ExpertSlides to anyone who wants to improve their presentations. Love the new AI features as well, good job team!”

        Mathilda Tennysdotter
        Mathilda Tennysdotter

        MT Agency - CEO / Founder

        Frequently Asked Questions

        Do you have questions about working with ExpertSlides?